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Free Cheat Sheet:

AI Overused Words to Avoid.

Struggling with AI content that sounds too robotic? Make Your AI Content Sound More Human!

If you use ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Claude, or Perplexity to create content, my AI Overused Words and Phrases Cheat Sheet compiled over months of research and testing will help you humanize your AI-generated content.

What’s Inside:

👉A comprehensive list of words, verbs, nouns, adjectives and phrases AI tends to overuse like: "Undoubtedly", "Did you know?", "Exciting", "Poised", "Unparalleled", "Unlock", "Delve" and many others.

Example Improvements:

Before: "This revolutionary AI tool will undoubtedly transform your business operations."
After: "This AI tool can significantly improve your business processes."

👉Practical tips for using this list in your prompts and with ChatGPT.

Why You Need It:

  • Stand out from AI-generated noise
  • Connect more effectively with your audience
  • Save time editing AI outputs

Perfect For:

👉Marketing and sales professionals crafting compelling messages
👉Content creators aiming for authentic-sounding articles and posts
👉Business owners and entrepreneurs building genuine brand voices

Updated regularly, so come back often for the latest updates.

Start crafting more humanized content that resonates with your audience! 
