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AI Programs

Whether you're just starting out with AI or already leveraging some AI models and tools, I help you use the full power of artificial intelligence for your business. My AI trainings are to the point, no BS, in bite sizes with practical examples to go from newbie to pro.

AI Masterclass for Agents Top Producers English
EN - IA for Realtors Website Banner HubSpot (2160 x 1080 px) optimized

August 28th

@ 12pm ET. Session with OTG

September 2nd

@ 12pm ET.

Wednesday, August 28th

@ 12pm ET. Session with OTG

Thursday, August 29th

@ 12pm ET.

August 30th

@ 12pm ET.

Free AI Guides and Resources

AI Readiness Guide

A step-by-step guide for Small and Mid-Sized Businesse to get started with AI.


For U.S. Business to learn what's all about and how to stay compliant.


Guide for Newbies to Pro. Dive into 5 most practical use cases ChatGPT can help you with NOW.


Guide for Newbies to Pro. Dive into 5 most practical use cases Gemini can help you with NOW.
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, it is the one that is the most adaptable to change" - Charles Darwin